Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today marks exactly two months since my beloved slipped into eternity. Intentionally this was a very busy day for me so that I could just float through without much thought. It seems that the shock is wearing off and I am opening new doors that were slammed shut. Every 10th of the month, the children and I do a memorial to honor their father. As we began watching a DVD, Trinity was flooded with memories. It just hit her once again that Daddy would not be back, "to tuck her in, pray the Our Father, and most importantly no more snuggle times in bed". The weight of that became unbearable. She reminded me of the time she broke her arm in a discovery zone play area and how Dad picked her up and brought her to two emergency hospitals because the first one was not satisfactory. "She said Mom, the last time I held his hand was in Mexico I didn't know it would be over after that". The weight of that caused her to respond with such difficulty. All I could do was hug her in hopes that she could remember how it feels to be embraced by him. I held her till we prayed and she fell asleep.

Israel said, mom it's taking such a long time for God to let us see dad, "I wish I could just die and go to heaven". We began to talk and he understood that God did not leave us here because He wants to punish us. We have a purpose and we must stay on earth till He decides. We have a wonderful call on our lives and we must finish our task, just like Dad.

There was a sudden calm in the midst of our chaos. It's not always perfect in The Hunter Home, but it is always peaceful.
Thank you for the continual prayers. We need them!

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